I’ve always dreamed of having a natural water birth in my home – Says Jessica


I’ve always dreamed of having a natural water birth in my home – Says Jessica.

According to an interview with Mrs Jessica. She said, ”I’ve always dreamed of having a natural water birth in my home. Even as a child, I’d always been amazed by the beauty of birth. I was always amazed at how a woman’s body could change so drastically during pregnancy – creating, nourishing and nurturing life. I’d always taken this seriously, probably a little more seriously than my peers as my husband would say. I’ve always known the importance of choosing a loving, caring and supportive partner; among other things. I remember telling my girlfriends in middle school, how whenever I had a baby, I wanted my baby in water and they would come out swimming, we all laughed. I mean, those aren’t the exact logistics of water birth, but you get the point. On August 15, the night of a full moon; that dream came true for me. I was able to let go of myself and give in to the instinctual drift of my body and roar my sweet daughter earth side with my carefully picked birth team”.

The birth of Jessica’s child took 12 hours on the day of the full moon, she went through every contraction to birth her sweet baby girl. just as she imagined it. Jessica’s husband, Alvin wasn’t left out in this, he carefully support her during pregnancy, birth and the important postpartum, even the moments where Jessica had to move up and down two flights of stairs a few times while working through her contractions and getting her daughter moving down and ready to come earth side. Alvin has demonstrated how important, husbands during birth.

Below are the images by Kate Carlton Photography.

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